Thursday, April 10, 2014

Concert Tonight

April 16th at 6:30pm

Tonight is our Spring Concert.  The concert starts at 6:30pm.  Please have your child arrive around 6:15 pm for the concert.  Children will wait in classrooms before and after the show.  The basket raffles will take place tonight.  Thanks for all your help with our classroom baskets.  We look forward to seeing you!

In Social Studies we have been comparing and contrasting:

                                        Town - State - Country - Continent - Planet
          This a tough concept to grasp for first graders.  
This project helped a lot but there is more work to do before this is mastered.

Did your child come home talking about JGB?  JGB stands for Junior Great Books.  JGB is a book discussion group.  JGB teaches critical thinking and skill designed to increase comprehension.

More information on JGB here.

The first story we used in JGB was written by Chris Van Allsburg (excellent author for critical thinking) called, "The Sweetest Fig."

"The Sweetest Fig" is about a man named Monsieur Bibot who is unkind to his dog.  Monsieur Bibot is given some magic figs.  When the magic in the figs is discovered Mr. Bibot's life changes.  We hope he learned his lesson.

We have used this story to make predictions, inferences, unveil character traits, and think critically.  

Here are the rules of JGB:

Report cards will go home tomorrow.  It's hard to believe it but this week began the first week of the fourth quarter.  It's amazing how quickly time flies.


Talent Show 

We know you know how talented our first graders are but next week they get to put it on display.  Next Wednesday, April 16th is the Simonds School Talent Show.  
Many of our first graders will be part of the show.  The talent that will be on display will come from Kindergarteners to Fifth Graders.  It's going to be a rockin' show!
There will be two opportunities to see the show.

April 16th at 1:15pm
                      April 16th at 6:30pm
                     (Participants are asked to arrive by 6:15pm)

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