
**All curriculum will follow the Common Core Standards. 
A list of the standards can be found at:

Language Arts:

Fundations will be a major component in the first grade language arts curriculum.  Fundations is a multi-sensory method assisting students with phonemic awareness, as well as grammar, writing, reading fluency, and comprehension. 

Reading will be taught individually, in small groups, and whole groups.  The class will analyze stories and look at story components, writing styles, etc.  In guided reading (small groups) students will focus on reading stories that are at their individualized reading level.  We will work on comprehension, fluency, and developing various strategies for decoding and comprehending unknown text.  Various activities will be utilized to build fluency and comprehension.  There will be time for the children to read on their own, with a buddy, and sometimes with a story on tape.  Student reading levels will be measured through observation, informal assessments, Developmental Reading Assessments, and the Accelerated Reading Program.

Writing will be taught through writing workshops, journal writing, and prompts.  In writing workshop, we will focus on the writing process, writing styles, and different writing strategies (such as Four-Square Writing).  Journal writing will enable the students to write freely to practice the skills taught through writing lessons, and writing workshop.  Students will also have prompts they are to address within their writing, and through this they will learn how to utilize certain techniques to make their writing more enjoyable for themselves, and the reader.

Spelling will be taught based on student understanding of spelling patterns.  Students will conduct word sorts.  They will categorize words, and work on generalizing spelling patterns.  Spelling will be taught in ability-like groups and may be taught by teachers other than their classroom teacher.  However, follow-up activities will be conducted in the classroom.  Students will explore patterns until a demonstration of mastery has been conducted, at that time a new sort will be presented.


We will use a balanced approach in teaching Mathematics.  Our primary source of lessons will come from “Houghton Mifflin Harcourt’s Math in Focus®: Singapore Math by Marshall.”  This program has lessons based on the Common Core Standards.  Our lessons will include whole group lessons, small group lessons, and individual enrichment and re-teaching lessons.

In addition, we will be do daily calendar activities, work in our math notebooks, practice math fluency via supplemental work pages and math cart, and work on various math concepts in a center based setting.
Technology will be implemented throughout all areas of the curriculum. Technology is an essential component in today’s classroom.  The students will be exposed to and use a variety of technology equipment.  Computer usage will be carefully monitored.  Computers will be a regular part of the curriculum.  In order for your child to participate in this piece of the curriculum permission from you is necessary.  Please look for the permission slip for computer usage in your registration packet, at the start of the new school year.  If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask.

Science and Social Studies:
Science and Social Studies will be taught through books, experiments, projects, field trips, and much more.  Each day, a Science and/or Social Studies lesson will be presented.  Both 1st grade classes will get together on a regular basis to study these two subjects. 

Quarter 1
Quarter 2
Quarter 3
Quarter 4
Plants & Seeds

School Community


Geography &
History (Famous People)
Rocks and Minerals

Geography & Economics

* Subject to change