Our primary goal in First Grade is for students to master the Common Core Standards, for first grade.
The standards drive our curriculum and assessment.
The standards drive our curriculum and assessment.
The standards can be found at: http://www.corestandards.org/the-standards
We will use a variety of assessments throughout the year, to monitor the progress of each student. We will use formal, informal, and normed assessments to evaluate mastery. Assessments will be conducted 1:1, small group, and in whole group settings. Observations will be noted, as well. The results of these assessments will guide us in individualizing instruction for each student.
Grading will be based on “3” (proficient) – Applies skills independently and/or meets IEP goals. A “2” (partially proficient) – Student applies skills appropriate to grade level/or meets IEP goals. A “1” (below proficient) – The students needs more time to develop skills appropriate for grade level or IEP.