Field Trip
We know we have a place on the sidebar to the right for upcoming events but we feel our first grade field trip deserves its' own post.
On June 9th we will be going to the Polar Caves. We will be in need of chaperones. If you would like to chaperone you must be fingerprinted and a background check must be completed through the district, prior to the field trip. This can take a few weeks. Let us know if you would like to chaperone and/or if you need assistance with the fingerprinting process. There is no cost for students but the cost for chaperones is $11.50.
We will leave as close to 8:45am as possible, and return around 2:30pm. We will spend the day touring caves and learning about common rocks and minerals found in New Hampshire. Please dress your child in appropriate outdoor gear (sneakers, or hiking shoes - no sandals). If you would like your child to have sunscreen or bug spray on please apply it at home. No need to send in extra money as we will not be visiting the gift shop.
Click here for a link to Polar Caves, for more information.